Finding the things in everyday life that make life wonderful...

31 May 2011

Baking Adventure: Banana Pudding Cupcake

I am not a fan of public speaking, so presenting my thesis wasn't something I was looking forward to. Fortunately, it was only infront of my thesis committee and my classmates, but it was still stressing me out.  When I stress, I bake and I figured bringing in cupcakes would help to distract my audience while I presented.  When I found this recipe, I just had to try it out and this was the perfect time!

27 May 2011

Too Nice To Slice Bakery - Oxford, AL

Over Christmas break, my mom and I went to check out the only cupcakery near my hometown - Too Nice to Slice Bakery in Oxford.  We selected a half dozen flavors to try and, after some running around, set about trying them out.